"Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word…

and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life." – John 5:24

The Gospel of the Grace of God presents “the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation,” which is the “good news” of redemption from sin and death by the grace of God through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. We will start “in the beginning” and build “line upon line … precept upon precept” in an orderly and  logical manner as the Gospel is explained from start to finish. Hundreds of Bible verse references are provided so you can study Scripture as you go along. We will also confront many of the false teachings which are rampant today.

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Additional Faith Series Books

By R. John Anderson and Other Authors

Jesus > Anxiety

Is your life marked by a state of peace or one of constant unease, worry, and anxiety over nearly all things? Anxiety today is of epidemic proportions, with Christians also being affected. But that just should not be—anxiety has no part in the life of a Christian. Come along as we explore how Scripture instructs us to deal with anxiety, worry, doubt, and fear as we “trust in the Lord”—for our God is a BIG God!

Jesus > Addiction

Are you or a friend or loved one trapped in an addiction with seemingly no way out? Addictions can be horrible; I know that firsthand as I had to deal with this myself. Many turn to secular 12-step programs with limited success but know that Christ can help you overcome, cast out, and banish addiction from your life as you live for Christ by the power of Christ abiding in you.

Commandments of Christ

This book summarizes the commandments of Christ given in the New Testament. The book is written to and for the born-again Christian who desires to be obedient to the word of God, abound in good works and bear fruit for the Lord, while being a Kingdom builder for Christ. To be obedient, we must know what Jesus’s commands are. 

The Message of Truth

The Message of Truth presents the “good news” of the Bible (the Gospel message) from start to finish. It also helps you understand how we got here in this fallen world today full of disease, death, war, murder, and other sinful behaviors that cause misery to the human race – humanity has fallen into sin by disobeying God. 

Beyond the Tomb

H.M. Riggle

There are many opinions, speculations, myths, and superstitions about what happens to the human soul after death. In this book, we look at what the Bible, God’s inerrant inspired Word, has to say on the matter.  Understanding what happens after death is crucial to having solid faith and believe that the Lord Jesus will raise you up on the last day.

The Last Day

There is much confusion about end-times matters, with false prophecies,  myths, mysticism, and sensational interpretations abounding in the world. In The Last Day, we will look at the simple truth of what Scripture actually tells us about the “last day,” which is Judgment Day, the culmination of all human history, and the very end of time itself, so we are not deceived by the wolves and false prophets which abound today.

The Pilgrim's Progress

John Bunyan

Follow the amazing journey of Christian (and later his wife, Christiana) as they travel from this world to that which is to come. Along the way, they face trials and tribulations, the city of Vanity Fair and the evil schemes of man, and fierce demons and devils. They pass through the Valley of the Shadow of Death and meet Great-Heart, the warrior.  They encounter all manner of other sordid characters and villains who try to trick them and stop them from continuing on their way. However, in divine providence, they also meet other helpful pilgrims who both encourage and strengthen them in their journey.

El Mensaje da la Verdad

Muchos no se dan cuenta de que la Biblia es en realidad “la historia de amor de Dios” escrita para la humanidad y que está llena de la gloriosa promesa de esperanza junto con un final ¡espectacularmente triunfal! Pero depende de cada uno de nosotros elegir esa esperanza y nuestro destino eterno, porque todos nacemos con un espíritu inmortal que vive para siempre; la única pregunta es dónde lo hará. Cada uno de nosotros tiene el libre albedrío para tomar una decisión, que determine si pasaremos la eternidad con Dios en el cielo o con Satanás y los ángeles que pecaron en el infierno.

The Christian Faith

The Christian Faith is a condensed Gospel tract version of The Gospel of the Grace of God book, which presents the pure and simple truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as it was “once for all [time] handed down to the saints” in New Testament Scripture. Hundreds of Bible verse references are provided so you can study Scripture as you go along. This booklet can serve as an introduction for those new to the faith, and it also allows the professing Christian to double-check their understanding of the Gospel, as many false teachers, false teachings, and false gospels have gone out into the world.